Sunday, May 5, 2024
In case you missed out, here is a roundup of important housing news stories from last week. Nigeria The federal government commissioned eighty (80) housing units under the National Housing Programme (NHP) phase I in Sokoto. The housing units comprise four-units...
Originally housing for Nigeria’s upper class, these homes have become overcrowded tenements, often in disrepair. Could the architectural style still offer lessons to a rapidly urbanizing city? With new office towers, shopping malls and even entire neighborhoods sprouting up to accommodate a growing population,...
The Association of Housing Corporations (AHCN) is set to honour the Federal Government Social Housing Initiative, Family Homes Funds Limited (FHFL) for the impact it has made in the area of affordable housing delivery in the past one year. Family...
This story is part of a series that asks housing experts to give their forecast for the next five years, how investors are impacting the market, and what state or federal intervention, if any, is needed. The housing market appears...
Two of London’s biggest housing associations have begun merger talks, which if agreed would result in a new 77,000-home landlord. Optivo and Southern Housing Group revealed this morning that the two organisations have begun merger talks, with a view of...
PAN- African housing development financier Shelter Afrique, through its research and policy formulation arm, Centre of Excellence (CoE), has launched a ‘Housing Affordability Calculator,’ which will help the company address issues of housing affordability to improve viability of affordable...
Canadian homeowners’ gamble could backfire if rates increase more than one percentage point. The low interest rate loans that are helping propel one of the world’s frothiest property markets could also be what make it burst. For 12 consecutive years, Canada’s housing market has soared to record heights. Tight inventory,...
The world was already experiencing an acute housing shortage, both in the rental and sales markets , prior to the pandemic. COVID-19 accelerated the dearth of available housing as supply chain challenges collided with a rush of buyers looking...
A real estate firm, Octo5 Holdings, has again reaffirmed its commitment to making affordable housing accessible to Nigerians. The Chief Executive Officer of the company, Mr Babajide Odusolu, made the statement during the handover of Heron’s Beak Residences, a vertical...
Aimart Real Estate turned the sod recently to begin construction work on a mixed use development that offers residential and investment opportunity for home buyers and savvy investors who have long term view of the property market. The development, known...
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