Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Known as "torfbæir", these ingeniously designed homes helped settle one of Europe's least-hospitable environments. W With its lonely lava fields, sheer bluffs and stark boulder-strewn plains, Iceland is one of Europe's most barren countries. Across much of the island, the utter...
A German element manufacturer Brüninghoff favoured prefabricated wooden wall elements made of Kerto® LVL for its new concrete element plant. Due to the high level of prefabrication, assembly times were optimised. At the same time the material is impressively...
Since the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS) started tracking the real estate and construction sector in Nigeria, we have seen very strong correlations between the performance of Nigeria’s GDP as a whole, and the real estate services and construction...
It is a project of profound hope, a project of high expectations. It is a project in which the people and government of Lagos State are well pleased. It is the Grand Panorama project. According to the CCECC, the promoters of...
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