Dubai has made it to the top five list of expat-friendly cities with affordable housing, despite recent increases in property and rental prices. The city now joins the likes of Oslo, Berlin, Barcelona, and Lisbon in offering attractive housing options for expatriates.
The rise of digital nomadism, with over 35 million remote workers worldwide, is influencing the decisions of companies and governments, leading to a shift in housing policies.
According to the ‘Expat Insider’ survey by InterNations, which gathered opinions from over 12,000 individuals on various aspects such as finances, quality of life, ease of settling in, housing, and cost of living, Dubai has seen a significant improvement in its ranking. The city jumped from the 20th position last year to the third spot this year.
Dubai particularly excelled in categories such as ease of communication without speaking the local language, as well as the ability to meet people and make friends due to its diverse population.
While Dubai was outranked by Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Malaga, Spain, it has still solidified its position as a top choice for expatriates seeking affordable and expat-friendly housing options.#